Trust Harder

Do you feel like giving up?
Trust harder.

Are you angry?

Love stronger.

Are you restless?

Breathe in deeply.

Do you blame?

Forgive instead.

Do you want to scream and shout?


Have you lost hope?

Keep dreaming.

There will be a tomorrow.

Text: Ulrike Schuster

Identität ist das, was du daraus machst!
#olliversum #markenentwicklung #persönlichkeitsentfaltung

Trust Harder
Handgeschöpftes Büttenpapier 21,5 x 21,5 cm, Bleistift, Tusche-Fineliner,
Aquarellstift, Acrylfarbe, Blattgold, Lapislazuli, Aquamarin Edelstein