Collective Shadow Work
The Fear of Change and The Paradox of “Surrender”
Change is here. Change is now. By now most of us seem to agree on this: Change is inevitable.
But how do we proceed on our journey?
The fear of change is creating a huge shadow overcasting the sky of opportunity.
It is our turn to step up and step right into this fog. Now is the time to shine, fellow lightworkers. Don’t be scared of this huge wall of darkness in front of you. It is only energy and you are able to transform it.
Give in and surrender to your feelings. This is how you let the wall dissolve. This is collective shadow work. Allow your cells to transmute.
Open up. Loose grip. Bow down. Give in, soul.
Devote yourself to the truth.
Melt into the moment. Accept the challenge that is being presented right in front of you.
Look through the veil. Open yourself up and step into reality.
Solve the problems that you are facing with the means that you have instead of blaming, blaming, blaming… the circumstances or everyone else who appears to be incapable of solving your problems, because they are your problems and not theirs.
You have the power to solve those problems if you are willing to see the resources you are given.
What are you fighting for? And what are you revolting?
Let go of your comfort and then let go of your discomfort. As simple as that.
“The great surrendering” is here. We have the chance to come back to our senses.
Confusion leads to expansion if we let it.
Chaos is the motor of our progress.
Challenge is the driving force of the evolution of consciousness.
Fear is our magical tool.
Fear vanishes the ego. Let it in.
Fear forces us to dive into the unknown.
The ego can’t persist and it will succumb to unity.
This is our unique opportunity to come back to life.
Text: Ulrike Schuster
Identität ist das, was du daraus machst!
#olliversum #markenentwicklung #persönlichkeitsentfaltung
Collective Shadow Work
Handgeschöpftes Büttenpapier 21,5 x 21,5 cm, Bleistift, Tusche-Fineliner,
Aquarellstift, Acrylfarbe, Blattgold, Granat, Onyx, Rubin Edelstein