Rules Of The Road
This is a worksheet. It started off three years ago with a page in my notebook with the title “Things To Consider” and it issued into this blog ( Haha, but I condensed some of the things here. There is no order. Everything is crucial for my survival.
1. Surround yourself with people who are lifting you higher.
2. Express your gratefulness as often as you can.
3. Be happy and let the world know it. Happiness is contagious.
4. Don’t put too much value and truth in words, ideas or concepts, but trust your intuition.
5. Have always positive intentions. Think ONLY positive (I always thought it is normal to have doubts all the time, but no, it’s not. If negative thoughts loom, don’t make a movie out of it. Just stop it. Think about something else.)
6. Appreciate endings, because they are always new beginnings.
7. Drop your perfectionism. Forgive yourself mistakes immediately. Best case scenario: Drop the word ‘mistake’ from your vocabulary completely, because there are no mistakes in this world.
8. Be as loud as you want. Be as quiet as you want. Be you.
9. Don’t re-act all the time. Be passive at times. Only act, when it’s necessary. (Kung-Fu)
10. Stay grounded and always balance your energy level. Don’t let emotions take you over.
11. Never forget: You’ve got a treasure in your heart. You’ve got all the beauty inside of you. Just release it. Turn it into energy. You’ve got the power – use it.
12. Don’t be afraid of the nothingness. It is taken care of you. Everything you need is right there.
13. You don’t have to do anything. Do what is good for you. Say no to everything else.
14. You don’t need to be “professional”. You don’t need to be anything. Just be you.
15. You can heal yourself from the inside. And life itself can cure you.
16. Keep in touch with the planet. Mother nature needs you (how you are).
17. Be in service. Be available for the people around you. Listen, give hugs and smile at people as much as you can.
18. You are welcome. Everywhere you go.
19. Don’t be scared. Trust.
20. Stop reaching for more. Be happy with less.
21. Don’t forget who you are, but don’t take yourself so f*cking serious all the time. You are just one of many human beings. So stop trying to be a saint.
22. Don’t see the obstacles, but see the opportunities.
23. Slow down. Take a break. Never rush. It’s unhealthy for you. Impatience is your enemy.
24. Don’t hesitate, but do not hurry.
25. Follow your excitement.
26. The force is with you.
Text: Ulrike Schuster
Identität ist das, was du daraus machst!
#olliversum #markenentwicklung #persönlichkeitsentfaltung
Rules Of The Road
Handgeschöpftes Büttenpapier 21,5 x 21,5 cm, Bleistift, Tusche-Fineliner,
Aquarellstift, Acrylfarbe, Citrin Quarz, Peridot, Glas, Smaragd Edelstein